Thursday, February 21, 2013

Clear Rayz and Amber week 1 and 2!

Say Hello to Amber she is our Clear Rayz winner from our last contest! She is going to be sharing her experience with her new Light Therapy device! Here is what she said about her initial skin concerns and 1st time use of Clear Rayz! 

"Concerns and skin issue: I have active acne. My problems areas are on the sides of my face, and on the jaw line.  I also have large pores.  

Today is my first day using clear rayz. I love how easy it is to use. I currently have active acne. After using it my skin is slightly warm from the heat of the device. I notice no extra dryness or any reaction to treatment. I notice my skin looks less dull after this first use. I have decided that due to the appearance of my skin after treatment I will continue to do this in the morning before I go out and start my day. I am impressed with the Clear Rayz customer service. I called to clear up instructions and have never experienced a more kind, caring, knowledgeable and attentive customer service rep. 

 It’s the end of week one. I have noticed that my skin tone is more even and there is less redness to my skin overall. This more even skin tone I was not expecting and I am so very excited.   I also notice that my acne is healing quicker. The treatments have definitely brought out the bacteria and my skin is having little breakouts but they heal relatively quickly compared to my acne before treatments. I was told that this could happen and I am still really excited. I have noticed my overall attitude about my skin is better. Clear Rayz has left me feeling empowered."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Clear Rayz Fan Love!

Do you have a great experience with using Clear Rayz? Is it something that you feel strongly about? Feel free to share with us and our community! As all of us start to learn more and more about Light Therapy, there is nothing more comforting then reading about customers experiences with our products!  We would love to hear about your clear skin, here is what one fan had to say: " I have just begun using my Clear Rayz and in just 4 days my skin has calmed down and become smoother! I didn't expect results this quickly! I am already feeling so much better given the emotional distress acne can cause." Come by our Facebook and read what customers are saying!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Acne, infection of the skin

Acne is an infection of the skin, caused by changes in the sebaceous (oil) glands due to an increase in testosterone experienced at the on-start of puberty (by both males & females). The most common form of acne is called acne vulgaris. Oils from the glands combine with dead skin cells to block hair follicles. Under the blocked pore, propionibacterium acnes bacteria can grow very quickly resulting in pimples, pustules, redness (inflammation), blackheads, and uneven skin texture. The psychological effect of this skin reaction is often low self-esteem or even depression. Don't let acne get you down, Clear Rayz can help clear up your skin!