Thursday, June 13, 2013

A's Back with her Week 2 review!

"So this is week 2....While I have a couple of new break-outs, it is very mild considering what I put my skin through over the weekend. Starting on Thursday and ending Sunday, I was outdoors running in several marathons all weekend, which meant I was constantly applying sunblock. Normally, after using sunblock and working up a sweat, I breakout terribly. This breakout was very mild and I was relieved. Overall I am amazed when I look back to my photos from 2 weeks ago. My overall skin tone is evening out, my breakouts are much less severe and my pores are getting smaller. My hyperpigmentation has also started breaking up and getting lighter. I am not using any other products on my face except sunblock. Loving the difference with Clear Rayz!"  Thank you A! Look at the difference in just 2 weeks of use!

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